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Evan Kirstel Podcast - Image

Podcast: “What’s Up with Tech?” | Episode: “Global Security and Network Excellence: Insights from GTT”

Successful digital business transformation relies on the right people with the right skills to protect your underlying network. With the growing cybersecurity skills gap how can enterprises stay ahead of cyber criminals? GTT’s Erik Nordquist explains what businesses can do to secure their data and protect their networks on this “What’s Up with Tech?” podcast with Evan Kirstel B2B TechFluencer.

Cyber Security Intelligence - Logo

Cyber Security Intelligence – Securing The Supply Chain

Supply chain attacks are projected to rise, underscoring the critical need for robust security frameworks. In this Cyber Security Intelligence article, GTT’s Tom Major explores the need for a Zero Trust approach to bolster supply chain security. Explore the full insights here.

Is 5G FWA a game changer?

GTT’s Todd Mussman, featured in Control Engineering Europe, explores the potential of 5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) in manufacturing. Explore the game-changing benefits of rapid deployment, reduced interruptions, and reliability, driving competitiveness in Industry 4.0.

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