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65 Results

Identifying threats and finding solutions

Samir Desai, vice president, product management at GTT, is among the cybersecurity experts quoted in a recent feature article on identifying cyber threats published by Control Engineering Europe. In the article, Samir discusses cybersecurity best practices and the need to rethink legacy cybersecurity solutions with new approaches like SASE.

C-suite career advice: Don MacNeil, GTT Communications

If you’re looking for career advice from GTT’s C-suite, IDG Connect published a Q&A interview with GTT’s COO Don MacNeil in which he shares lessons learned from his career as a leader at GTT and other companies.

Can SASE really to curb cyber threats?

GTT’s SVP Global of Product Management Todd Kiehn gives insight into how enterprises can achieve a successful SASE deployment in this Telecom Ramblings article.

Euro Biopharma Leader LFB Set to Deploy GTT SD-WAN

Technology trade publication SDxCentral covers the announcement that leading French biopharmaceutical company, LFB is deploying GTT’s Managed SD-WAN, Cloud Connect, Dedicated Internet Access, broadband, and professional services.

GTT COO Don MacNeil Charts the Road Ahead

Rob Powell interviews Don MacNeill, GTT’s COO, discussing the company strategy, its business transformation initiatives, and the increased focus on the global enterprise space.

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